Harvest Time: Why Tinubu Remains The Most Respected Politician In Aso Rock Today As Presidency Clears The Air

Osigwe Omo-Ikirodah write

“The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow.” James Allen.
When he sneezes they catch a cold? In silence, they are craving for what he wants to say? And when he finally speaks the world trembles? That is the life of an International Superstar.


Today Nigerians are fixated on the 2023 general elections and one man who shakes the table on every platform is Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the Jagaban of Borgu.
Tinubu is so popular that haters keep a tab on his progress. From his bedroom to even his steps these people have created a scene for each of his actions. No doubt they have catapulted his popularity even beyond his own imagination.

Two days ago the President was in Lagos and during an exclusive interview with Arise TV, he talked about the zoning in APC.

Buhari was quoted as saying …
“You cannot sit here in Lagos, for instance, and decide on the fate of APC on zoning,”
Keyword APC, ZONING and FOR INSTANCE…… For instance, simply means, for example, Buhari was in Lagos and was asked about APC and he started with the interviewer who happens to be conducting the interview in Lagos with the opening line “You cannot sit here in Lagos, for instance,” The president used the word for instance…

Boom these detractors of Tinubu who unfortunately have no idea who their presidential candidate would be brought out their Vuvuzela(s) and started shouting Tinubu has been sent a message.

The same people that if you say Tinubu is Lagos they would be angry are now saying Tinubu was the subject of the missile fired. They called it a missile, a simple for instance turns into an atomic bomb directed at Tinubu.


In as much as they have VERIFIED the popularity of Tinubu as the most popular political Icon today, they forget the fact that Buhari coming down to Lagos to commission projects was a script to acknowledge the milestone Lagos enjoys today amongst other States.
I think I have digressed from the purpose of my article, the speed at which the presidency came out to clarify the statement shows the amount of respect the Jagaban has within the presidency.

Let me start with the statement from the presidency …
“The Presidency has distanced President Muhammadu from what it described as a malicious campaign to drive a wedge between him and a staunch ally, the National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu using a reference he made on ARISE NEWS Channel interview that nobody would determine zoning and where the next President would come from.

Presidential spokesman, Malam Garba Shehu, in a statement last night clarified that it was a mischievous attempt to drag the President into controversies and urged the citizens and especially the members of the APC should not fall for this.”

Keywords used malicious, wedge, a staunch ally, National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC).
Let me stop there jor, cos I know these detractors don’t bother to read details of JUICY news. Have you noticed that the Presidency respects the Jagaban so much and at every given opportunity these detractors try to bring in any discord of any sort between the Presidency and Asiwaju it is immediately rebuffed with the speed that supersedes human understanding?

The level of respect the presidency deploys to show the world its enviable relationship with Tinubu should instead be worrisome to these naysayers, but because they are themselves blind to the truth they fail to see the velocity at which the Presidency always employ in clarify issues when it comes to Tinubu.
The same presidency that is slow to respond to some national issues is fast to reiterate its awesome relationship with the Jagaban. Sorry to say this to my Tinubu fans oh, but is Tinubu the only politician in Nigeria? Why is the presidency showing so much compassion for him? Sorry I mean no harm in asking these questions.

I recall so many embarrassing moments people have said things about the Vee-Pee as regarding some of his activities in Aso Rock, I have not seen one day the presidency rushing to clarify issues. You know the truth is always bitter and hard to digest. There must be something between the Presidency and Tinubu that the Presidency is not ready to spoil a relationship.
I won’t call names in trying to buttress my point but let me ask, which APC or PDP leader in Nigeria today the Presidency rushes to defend at any slightest opportunity?

In Less than 12 hours the presidency is clarifying issues as if that is the problem we have in Nigeria, I mean they should allow the denigrators to think whatever they like but no way the Presidency is rushing to explain issues as if it owes anyone any explanation. This in itself should be perturbing to these mischief-makers.

These detractors probably have forgotten that in the last two months the Jagaban has been spotted in Aso Rock with Buhari on at least four occasions, maybe they feel Jagaban went to BREAK MELON with BUHARI in the villa.
Funny people, have they asked themselves how many times their state Governor is received in Aso Rock in a year?
It is harvest time, “The person who sows generously will also reap generously.” Tinubu has sown good seeds that President Buhari is not ready to toy with.
