2023: Group Declares Support For Tinubu’s Presidencial Bid

A political group, Advocates for Bola Ahmed Tinubu 2023 Agenda, (a4bat) has openly declared support for Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s 2023 Presidential bid.

The group made the declaration at a press conference convened by the National Chairman of the group, Dr. Okoye Noberts Tochukwu, held at the conference room, Excellence Hotel, Ogba Ikeja, Lagos, on Wednesday, 3rd March, 2022.


In a official statement made available to INDEPENDENT, the group is all out to support the ambition Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu to the best of their ability.

The statement read; “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, as you are aware, Friday 25th February 2022, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria signed the Electoral Bill 2022 into law, and on Saturday 26th February the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC, released the timetable and schedule of activities for the 2023 general election. These two releases are historic in the Nigeria polity at this period.”

“There may be no better time than now for us as a group to declare our outermost support and total loyalty to back the dreams and aspiration of our principal H.E Senator Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s quest for the 2023 presidential slot.”

“We are The Advocates for Bola Ahmed Tinubu (A4BAT 2023 Agenda) in Nigeria and beyond. We are a formidable group of professional and mix of Techno-crat and trained socio political experts with proving track records from all endeavor of life.”

“As an independent support group we are all out to support the ambition of our principal Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu to the best of our ability we are readily mobilizing our support with a wider publicity physically and online to propagate the good news about Asiwaju to the world.”


“We want the world to know that Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a phenomenon in the world of politics. We are not against anyone’s group or aspirations but all we are saying is that Asiwaju is too good, hence he’s the best man for the job at this period of time while our support for his candidacy’s burn out of his starling performances and track record of achievements over the years as a fishers of men with a just and equitable management of men and re- distribution of the available resources under his watch at every given opportunity.”

“With the coming into force of the Electoral Act 2022, and the official release of the Independent National Electoral Commissions guidelines for the primaries, A4BAT group National Executive Council shall be inaugurated soon and we will work assiduously across diverse interest to actualize our dreams for Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Hope’23. We want to reciprocate gestures and goodness of Asiwaju and proclaim Democracy for all with total Unity of Purpose. We will shout liberty for freedom and our voice would be heard!”

“On this note, I wish to call and remind every stakeholder, especially other support groups and all minor political parties, of their responsibility to join hands and vigor for a common interest on the Asiwaju’s project. We request for his automatic nomination as a con sensor candidate of APC, he is most preferred, honored and qualified to take over the mantle of leadership come 2023. I thank you for attending this conference and God bless.”